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(German only)
Pushkins World Software
Service (not funny but useful)
Buttons | Choose this, if you like to see "some" dialog boxes on your screen. | 152 KB |
Cat | A little cat following the cursor. | 15 KB |
Cursor | Some cursors (NT/95/98). | 5 KB |
Exchange dialog | "The" exchange dialog. | 26 KB |
Felix | My favorite. A cat named Felix which "owns" your screen. | 214 KB |
Gun | Choose this to be prepared if you get angry. | 33 KB |
Mice | Mice can be angry! | 206 KB |
Penis | Nur für Herren! (D.h. eigentlich fuer Kerle.) | 170 KB |
Piegates | No comment. | 146 KB |
Sapfile | One of my favourites. (All open windows begin to wraggle until you close Sapfile.) | 4 KB |
Scampoo | Sheep running around. (Made in Taiwan.) | 117 KB |
TV Total: F-keys | Die TV-Total F-Tasten Belegung. | 117 KB |
Screen Toggle | Switches the complete screen to its opposite | 2 KB |
If you have similar "applications", please send them to me!