[Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Peter Seebach. All rights reserved, all wrongs
reversed. Unauthorized duplication and distribution prohibited.]
Certain topics never (well, hardly ever) come up on this newsgroup. They are
stupid questions, to which the answers are immediately obvious, but they would
be more fun to talk about than these arcane details of loop control.
This article, which is posted yearly, attempts to answer these questions
definitively, succinctly, and in such a way as to discourage further discussion.
Table of Contents:
1. Declarations
and Initializations
2. Structures,
Unions, and Enumerations
3. Expressions
4. Null
5. Arrays and
6. Memory
7. Characters and
8. Boolean
Expressions and Variables
9. C Preprocessor
Standard C
11. Stdio
12. Library
13. Floating
Variable-Length Argument Lists
15. Lint
16. Strange
17. Style
18. System
19. Miscellaneous
Herewith, some infrequently-asked questions and their answers:
Section 1: Declarations and Initializations
1.1: How do you decide which integer type to use?
A: Use ``short'' when you need to avoid values
over 32,767, ``int'' when
you want to store integers, ``long''
for long numbers (more than 6
digits), and ``float'' for numbers
over 4 billion.
1.2: What should the 64-bit type on new, 64-bit machines be?
A: int.
1.3: If I write the code
int i, j;
can I assume that (&i + 1) ==
A: Only sometimes. It's not portable,
because in EBCDIC, i and j are
not adjacent.
1.4: What's the best way to declare and define global
A: In headers; this way, you can get link errors
when you include the
same header twice. Generally,
you will have to define a variable
everywhere you want to use it, and
then declare it someplace so
you know what it is.
1.5: What does extern mean in a function declaration?
A: It refers to a variable which is not actually
in your program. For
main() {
extern int bar;
printf("%d\n", bar);
return 0;
will compile without errors because
bar is declared as being
external. (It won't run,
though, because you never assign bar a
1.6: I finally figured out the syntax for declaring pointers
functions, but now how do I
initialize one?
A: With the assignment operator. You were
perhaps expecting
a screwdriver?
1.7: I've seen different methods used for calling through
pointers to
functions. What's the story?
A: In the old days, when Microsoft first invented
C, the syntax for
calling functions involved more
parentheses; this was after their
market research indicated that most C
programmers would be
coming from a Lisp environment.
Later, when Kernighan took
over the language design (right after
AT&T bought Microsoft's
language technology), he decided to
eliminate the parentheses,
but the old form is still allowed.
You do need the parentheses to call a
function with more than
one argument, for instance,
int (*foo)(char *, ...) = printf;
(*foo)("hello, %s\n", "world!");
needs the parens, but they would not
be needed for
foo, "hello, world!\n";
(The ``*'' just means to execute foo,
just like the ``*'' on the end
of an executable filename in ``ls
1.8: What's the auto keyword good for?
A: Declaring vehicles.
1.9: I can't seem to define a linked list successfully.
I tried
typedef struct {
char *item;
but the compiler gave me error
messages. Can't a structure in C
contain a pointer to itself?
A: Not exactly; it can contain a pointer to
another structure of the
same type. Try:
typedef struct {
char *item;
double *next;
typedef struct {
char *item;
Make sure that sizeof(NODEPTR) ==
This technique is called a
``backwards reference''.
1.10: How do I enter values using hexadecimal?
A: long ints can be entered using hexadecimal
notation; for instance,
long int foo = 07;
sets foo to hex 7.
1.11: How do I declare an array of N pointers to functions returning
pointers to functions returning
pointers to characters?
A: Well, first you need to know how to declare an
array of N
items of type T - that's
T foo[N];
Now you need to look at how to
declare a pointer to function
returning something, say, an object
of type S. That's like this:
S (*bar)();
Now assume that S is ``pointer to
function returning pointer to
char''. We get
(char *) (*)() (*bar)().
So, the whole thing turns out to be
(with appropriate parentheses)
If your compiler complains, break
this down into subexpressions.
To call it, just use
This works because, in C, declaration
reflects use, but it's one
of those weird distorted mirrors.
Section 2: Structures, Unions, and
2.1: What is the difference between an enum and a series of
preprocessor #defines?
A: The enum doesn't require the preprocessor.
2.2: I heard that structures could be assigned to variables
passed to and from functions, but
K&R I says not.
A: K&R I was wrong; they hadn't actually
learned C very well before
writing the book. Later,
Ritchie got a job at Bell Labs, and worked
closely with the authors of C,
allowing the 2nd edition of the book
to be much more accurate.
(Kernighan already worked at Bell Labs,
where he helped develop the ``kaw''
programming language, used to
simulate crows in an international
chess tournament.)
2.3: How does struct passing and returning work?
A: The structures are put into the low part of the
VGA card's VRAM.
They are then removed before the next
video update. This is why
struct passing was not supported for
a long time; VGA cards were
prohibitively expensive.
If you try to pass very large
structures on the stack, you may see
odd screen graphics.
2.4: Why can't you compare structs?
A: Compare them to what? A summer's day?
2.5: How can I read/write structs from/to data files?
A: Loop with putchar. Be careful; if your
machine uses signed chars
by default, all of the sign bits in
your structure elements will
be reversed.
2.6: How can I determine the byte offset of a field within a
A: It's generally 4 times the number of members of
the structure.
It may be more or less on some
2.7: How can I access structure fields by name at run time?
A: foo."name" should work. You may
need to overload the . operator,
which, in turn, may overload your C
2.8: Why does sizeof report a larger size than I expect for a
structure type, as if there was
padding at the end?
A: Because there's padding at the end.
2.9: My compiler is leaving holes in structures, which is
space and preventing ``binary'' I/O
to external data files. Can I
turn off the padding, or otherwise
control the alignment of
A: Sure. What you do to eliminate the
padding in structures is use
unions; for intance,
struct foo {
char c;
long l;
char d;
char e;
char f;
may cause struct foo to be padded to
12 bytes, rather than the
correct size of 8. Try
union foo {
double _d;
char c, d, e, f;
long l;
which will be 8 bytes. (The
double is for alignment.)
2.10: Can I initialize unions?
A: Depends. They may go on strike when
provoked. Luckily, if your
program involves air traffic control,
the ISO standard guarantees
that Ronald Reagan will fire any
unions that go on strike, and
replace them with structs, which
should be close enough.
2.11: How can I pass constant values to routines which accept struct
A: Try foo((struct foo) 3).
Section 3:
3.1: Why doesn't this code:
a[i] = i++;
A: You didn't declare either i or a.
3.2: Under my compiler, the code
int i = 7;
printf("%d\n", i++ * i++);
prints 49. Regardless of the
order of evaluation, shouldn't it
print 56?
A: No. The only logical answer would be 81 -
two postfix ++'s are
automatically converted to prefix.
3.3: I've experimented with the code
int i = 2;
i = i++;
on several compilers. Some gave
i the value 2, some gave 3, but
one gave 4. I know the behavior
is undefined, but how could it
give 4?
A: Because i is 2, the loop is executed twice.
3.4: People keep saying the behavior is undefined, but I just
it on an ANSI-conforming compiler,
and got the results I
A: They were probably wrong. Flame them
mercilessly. Be sure before
you do that your compiler is *really*
ANSI conforming, though. If
it turns out you were wrong, they get
a legal claim on your first-born.
3.5: Can I use explicit parentheses to force the order of
I want? Even if I don't,
doesn't precedence dictate it?
A: No. To force order of evaluation, you
must threaten it. Take the
comma operator hostage. Using
it, you can force the other operators
to do what you want.
3.6: But what about the &&, ||, and comma operators?
I see code like ``if((c = getchar())
== EOF || c == '\n')'' ...
A: As noted, once you've captured the comma
operator, the others
become docile.
3.7: If I'm not using the value of the expression, should I
use i++
or ++i to increment a variable?
A: ++i. Only losers and idiots use
i++. This is different if your
native language would idiomatically
use ``i increment'', but in
English and related languages, you
must use ``++i''. Note that
a modern program must use both,
dependent on the current locale.
3.8: Why is i = ++i undefined?
A: Because it is unclear whether it is shorthand
i = 42;
i = (char *) "forty two";
Given the ambiguity, the standards
committee decided to leave it
Section 4:
Null Statements
4.1: What is this infamous null statement, anyway?
A: A null statement is an expression statement
consisting solely
of the terminating semicolon.
The optional expression is dropped.
It can be distinguished from any
other statement by byte count
or study of side-effects.
4.2: How do I ``get'' a null statement in my programs?
A: In ANSI C, there are six types of statements;
labeled statements,
compound statements,
expression-statements, selection statements,
iteration statements, and jump
statements. All of them, except
the jump and expression statments,
are defined in terms of optional
preceeding text, and other
statements. The jump statements are
never null statements. An
expression statement is considered to
be ``a null statement'' if the
optional expression part of it has
been left out. A null statement
can appear on its own, or (most
frequently) as the statement body of
an iteration statement. These
two null statements are equivalent,
though neither of them is
equivalent to any non-null
statement. [*]
You may accidentally get a null
statement by deleting the body of
a non-null statement.
[*] Actually, they are functionally
equivalent to a large set of
non-null statements, namely, those
with no side-effects. However,
the FDA has yet to approve any such,
as their lack of side effects
is conjectured, and not clinically
proven. This applies only to
the ANSI standard, and not the ISO
standard, as the FDA has no
jurisdiction outside the U.S.
4.3: Is there more than one null statement?
A: Sort of. You can use ``;'', ``0;'', or
- they will all act like a null
statement. Only the first is
a ``true'' null statement (all bits
zero). They are basically
equivalent. Note that (void *)
0; is a null statement of type
pointer to void, for instance.
4.4 But I thought { } was a null statement!
A: No. { statement-list[opt] } is a compound
statement. An empty
block is not the same as a null
statement, however, although it
can be used in many of the same
places. It's really a null
block. (You can convert it with
a cast, but it's not directly
compatible. For instance, you
can't use a null block as one
of the controlling statements of a
for loop.)
4.5 I use the statement
#define NULLSTMT(F) (F) ;
to allow me to cast a null statement
to an appropriate type.
A: This trick, though popular in some circles,
does not buy much.
The resulting code is illegal, and
will not compile. This (in
the author's opinion) outweighs any
arguable type consistency.
It may be more common in industrial
code. If it becomes common
practice, C++ will probably legalize
4.6 I use the statement
#define NULLSTMT(F) (F) 0;
to allow me to cast a null statement
to an appropriate type.
A: This trick will likely work, but think: what
does it really buy
you? Mostly, it will indicate
to even the most casual observer
that you are shakey on the concept of
null statements, making it
harder for them to check your code.
4.7: But wouldn't it be better to use ``;'' (rather than
``0;'') in case
the value of 0 changes, perhaps on a
machine with nonzero
no-op instructions?
A: No. The ``0'' of ``0;'' is not evaluated
as an instruction, rather,
it is just ignored. The
advantages of ``;'' over ``0;'' have only to
do with poor optimizers and savings
of keystrokes.
4.8: Is a null statement a null pointer?
A: No. A null pointer is a pointer where all
of the address bits
are zero (no matter what the segment
bits are), and can be
obtained by typing '(char *) (int)
0'. A null statement is
not a pointer to anything. They
are not interchangeable, although
you can combine them to get an
effectively-null statement, such
This does not buy you anything.
4.9: I'm still confused. I just can't understand all
this null
statement stuff.
A: Follow these two simple rules:
1. When you don't want to do anything
in source code, don't
write it.
2. If you need a null statement to
round out an expression,
use an unadorned ``;'' to provide it.
3. Send large donations, checks, and
money orders to the
author of the FAQ, or the moderator
of the group, whichever
you prefer. Then, cross the top
question off the FAQ,
answer the question at the bottom,
and mail it to three
people. Within two weeks, you
will receive 729 answers
to various questions! Do not
break the chain; Emily
Postnews broke the chain, and now no
one listens to her.
Section 5:
Arrays and Pointers
5.1: I had the definition char a[6] in one source file, and in
another I declared extern char
a[]. Why did it work?
A: The declaration extern char a[] simply matches
the actual definition.
The type ``array-of-type-T'' is the
same as ``array-of-type-T.''
Go ahead and use extern char
a[]. (For greater portability, use
it in both files, not only in one of
5.2: But I heard that char a[] was different from char a[6].
A: This is true. However, the declaration
a[] is compatible with the
definition a[6].
5.3: So what is meant by the ``equivalence of pointers and
arrays'' in
A: Very little.
5.4: Then why are array and pointer declarations
interchangeable as
function formal parameters?
A: Classism. We consider arrays ``second
class objects''. They don't
vote, and they get treated as
pointers. Additionally, they're
merely objects, not citizens.
Marx wrote about this a lot.
5.6: Why doesn't sizeof properly report the size of an array
which is
a parameter to a function?
A: Part of the ANSI conspiracy to restrict people
to passing pointers;
this was undertaken after the first
discovery that passing large
arrays recursively could cause
crashes. Since then, with the passing
of MS-DOS, it has become a non-issue;
since all serious machines
have virtual memory, you can pass as
much data as you want on the
stack without detectable problems.
5.7: Someone explained to me that arrays were really just
A: Cool. Someone I know says he saw Elvis in
a local bar.
5.8: Practically speaking, what is the difference between
arrays and
A: About the difference between alcohol and
marijuana; they have
different characteristics, and that's
not a problem if you don't
mix them too carelessly.
5.9: I came across some ``joke'' code containing the
5["abcdef"] . How can
this be legal C?
A: It was added to allow people to avoid the
character constant
'f' which may not be available on
some systems. (Actually, it's
a side-effect of the equivalence of
arrays and pointers.)
5.10: How would I initialize an entire array from standard input?
A: You have to use a loop. For instance, the
following code reads
the numbers zero through 99 into the
array a.
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
a[i] = (scanf, ("%d", i));
Make sure to include <stdio.h>,
or this may not work.
Section 6:
Memory Allocation
6.1: Why doesn't this fragment work?
char *answer
printf("Type something:\n");
printf("You typed \"%s\"\n", answer);
A: The semicolon after ``answer'' is missing.
6.2: I have a function that is supposed to return a string,
but when it returns to its caller,
the returned string is
A: You probably returned a pointer to a local
array. That
doesn't work. Try using a
temporary file, instead. For instance:
char *getstr(void) {
FILE *fp = tmpfile();
fputs(gets(NULL), fp);
return (char *) fp;
6.3: Why does some code carefully cast the values returned by
to the pointer type being allocated?
A: In interrupt-riddled code, it may be necessary
to cast values to
force the CPU to resolve pointer
6.4: You can't use dynamically-allocated memory after you free
can you?
A: Yes. However, what happens when you do is
not clearly defined.
6.5: How does free() know how many bytes to free?
A: Interrupt 41h. On macs, amigas, and other
``big-endian'' processors,
that would be interrupt 14h; be wary
of portability problems.
6.6: So can I query the malloc package to find out how big an
allocated block is?
A: Not exactly; because the objects are
dynamically allocated, their
size can change at run time, so this
will not be reliable. If you
restrict your allocation to
allocating sizeof(void *) bytes at a
time, you will find that you can use
sizeof() to get the size of a
block, in the obvious way.
6.7: I'm allocating structures which contain pointers to other
dynamically-allocated objects.
When I free a structure, do I
have to free each subsidiary pointer
A: No. You just have to keep track of them
somewhere else also.
6.8: Was Proust's masterwork, _A Remembrance of Things Past_,
basis for the C library's allocation
scheme, based largely on
contextual analysis?
A: The standard does not specify an allocation
scheme; the famous
author the allocation scheme is based
on is implementation
specified. Proust is a common
choice, however.
6.9: I have a program which mallocs but then frees a lot of
but memory usage (as reported by ps)
doesn't seem to go back
A: You're probably not freeing the memory
completely. Try replacing
in case the first free() frees the
memory only partially.
(Unix wizards may recognize the
parallel with syncing
three times before rebooting.)
free(foo) + 4; may free the remaining
four bytes. (Before using
this, make sure realloc(foo, 0)
returned 4).
Section 7:
Characters and Strings
7.1: How can I get the numeric (character set) value
corresponding to a
character, or vice versa?
A: The obvious way is to write a function to do
the conversion.
(Error checking has been omitted for
int ctoi(char c) {
static unsigned char *ary;
/* initialize the array */
if (!ary) {
int i;
ary = malloc(UCHAR_MAX + 2);
for (i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; ++i) {
ary[i] = i;
ary[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = '\0';
if (c) {
unsigned char *t;
/* we have to skip the leading NUL */
t = strchr(ary + 1, c);
if (!t)
return 0;
return t - ary;
} else {
/* special case for NUL character */
return 0;
There are various clever tricks you
can use to get around writing
the function, but most are too
complicated for beginners.
Section 8:
Boolean Expressions and Variables
8.1: What is the right type to use for boolean values in
C? Why
isn't it a standard type?
Should #defines or enums be used for
the true and false values?
A: int (*)(int, char **) makes a good boolean
type. You can use
``main'' for true, and ``exit'' for
false. On some compilers, you
may need to cast exit() to an
appropriate type.
8.2: Isn't #defining TRUE to be 1 dangerous, since any nonzero
is considered ``true'' in C?
What if a built-in boolean or
relational operator ``returns''
something other than 1?
A: Very good! For instance, one program I
saw used
#define TRUE(x) ((x) & 0x100)
for compatability with a specific
release of a FORTRAN compiler,
which used 0 for .FALSE. and 256 for
.TRUE. - this allowed them to
change their code with every new
release of the FORTRAN compiler,
and kept them alert to changes.
This has no relationship to
the boolean or logical operators in
C, which always return 0 or 1.
8.3: What is truth?
A: It is not a saffron-robed monk, pissing in the
Section 9:
C Preprocessor
9.1: How can I use a preprocessor #if expression to tell if a
is big-endian or little-endian?
A: #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN should work on all known
machines; Borland
defines it.
9.2: I've got this tricky processing I want to do at compile
time and
I can't figure out a way to get cpp
to do it.
A: Poor baby.
9.3: How can I list all of the pre-#defined identifiers?
A: #define __ALL_CPP_IDS - put this in a source
file, and run it
through your C preprocessor.
9.4: How can I write a cpp macro which takes a variable number
A: Try something like this:
#define add(x) (x)
#define add(x, y) (x + y)
#pragma induction add
9.5: Shouldn't the following code:
#define ROSE 1
#define WATER_LILY 4
printf("%d\n", CHRYSATHNEMUM);
print ``2''?
A: You misspelled CHRYSANTHEMUM. Use
abbreviations for long flower
names in C code.
10: ANSI C
10.1: What is the ``ANSI C Standard?''
A: A whiny bunch of lusers who haven't written as
many books as
Herbert Schildt.
10.2: How can I get a copy of the Standard?
A: ftp://ftp.borland.com/
10.3: Does anyone have a tool for converting old-style C programs to
ANSI C, or vice versa, or for
automatically generating
A: A router helps, but your best bet is still the
band saw. Quick,
efficient, and powerful.
10.4: I'm trying to use the ANSI ``stringizing'' preprocessing
# to insert the value of a symbolic
constant into a message, but
it keeps stringizing the macro's name
rather than its value.
A: This is because ``3'' is not a legal integral
constant in C - it's
a string constant.
10.5: I don't understand why I can't use const values in
and array dimensions, as in
const int n = 7;
int a[n];
A: Because you're not using C++.
10.6: What's the difference between ``char const *p'' and
``char * const p''?
A: One `` '' character. There are some
trivial differences having
to do with the distinction between a
pointer to a constant, and
a constant pointer, but since you can
cast either to a
(char *) it hardly matters.
10.7: Can I declare main as void, to shut off these annoying ``main
returns no value'' messages?
(I'm calling exit(), so main
doesn't return.)
A: Certainly. You can also declare it as
double. It may not
compile, or it may crash, but who
cares? No lousy bunch of
whining lusers is going to tell *you*
what to do.
10.8: Why does the ANSI Standard not guarantee more than six
characters of external identifier
A: Because none of the members of the committee
had names over
six letters, or in which letters
other than the first were
10.9: What is the difference between memcpy and memmove?
A: memmove moves memory, and memcpy copies
it. memmove may
not be supported on machines without
internal robot arms. Do not
use memmove while the machine is
powered up - you can destroy
your memory.
10.10: Why won't the Frobozz Magic C Compiler, which claims to be ANSI
compliant, accept this code? I
know that the code is ANSI,
because gcc accepts it.
A: The Frobozz Magic Company lies through its
teeth. Consider:
does Flood Control Dam #3 actually
control floods? Didn't
think so. The wands are
excellent for making useless via
casts of Float, though.
10.11: Why can't I perform arithmetic on a void * pointer?
A: You're too big and clumsy. When you try
to push the numbers
together, you lose your
balance. Perhaps you should get some
angels from the rave over on pin 3.
10.12: What are #pragmas and what are they good for?
A: They are useful ways to eliminate compiler
features which are not
helpful to your goals; contrast
#utility, which introduces useful
compiler features, and #absolutist,
which introduces those compiler
features believed to be right.
#relativist is supported by some
10.13: What does ``#pragma once'' mean? I found it in some header
A: It means that your program will only run once;
it's used to create
``crippled demos''.
10.14: People seem to make a point of distinguishing between
implementation-defined, unspecified,
and undefined behavior.
What's the difference?
A: There isn't really one; people just enjoy
flaming over nits.
(To be technical, one has a hyphen,
one has a space, and one
is a single word.)
10.15: Is C an acronym?
A: Yes, it stands for ``C''. It's another of
those funky recursive
11: Stdio
11.1: What's wrong with this code:
char c;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)...
A: You forgot to include space for the terminating
NUL character,
so the compiler can't find the end of
c without overwriting
other memory. In all
probability, after the user types ``n<return>'',
your code will look like
char cn
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)...
which won't compile.
Also, the ellipsis is not legal
outside of function protoypes.
char c[2]; /* include space for terminating NUL */
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
Note the use of the null statement to
absorb the NUL.
(See Section 4.)
11.2: How can I print a ``%'' character in a printf format
string? I
tried ``\%'' but it didn't work.
A: Break the '%' sign out. i.e.,
fprintf("foo "
"%" "%d\n", foo);
Alternatively, try
sprintf("o" "/"
"o") to get a "%".
The astute reader will notice that
the latter example uses sprintf,
and the former fprintf - this is
because sprintf() works by
characters, or strings, while fprintf
(``fast printf'') works on files.
11.3: Why doesn't the code scanf("%d", i); work?
A: You need to do this a bit differently; you
should always check for
the return from scanf, so try
something like
i = 1;
if ((scanf, "%d", i) == 1)
to make sure you're reading
correctly. (The assignment to i is
so that, if scanf fails, you
still have a legal value in i.)
11.4: Once I've used freopen, how can I get the original stdout (or
stdin) back?
A: Call main() - the environment will be restored.
11.5: Why won't the code
while(!feof(infp)) {
fgets(buf, MAXLINE, infp);
fputs(buf, outfp);
A: Because the end of file character is not
detected on files named
(Introverted-iNtuitive-Feeling-Perceptive, that is.) Also,
it may be that the file was opened in
text mode, where an end of
file is read as a capital 'Z' on most
machines, and feof() only
looks for 'control Z'.
11.6: Why does everyone say not to use gets()?
A: Because they're trying to spoil your fun.
gets() can make an
otherwise droll and predictable
program a lot more exciting.
11.7: Why does errno contain ENOTTY after a call to printf?
A: Because stdout is not a mammal.
11.8: My program's prompts and intermediate output don't always show
up on the screen, especially when I
pipe the output through
another program.
A: Have you turned your monitor on? If not,
try hitting the ``PrtSc''
key, which will re-enable the
electron guns.
11.9: How can I read one character at a time, without waiting for
A: Ask the user to press enter after hitting a
single character.
11.10: People keep telling me that getch() is not standard, but my C
compiler has it. Are they
A: They've been programming more than ten
years. You haven't. Draw
your own conclusions. That's
right! They hadn't noticed it.
No doubt their compilers have it too,
and its behavior is identical
everywhere else in the world,
also. That would explain everything.
11.11: What does it matter that getch() isn't standard; it works, doesn't
A: Well, that would depend on the definition
you're using for ``works''.
11.12: I tried to port some code from a PC to a unix machine, and now it
crashes immediately on startup.
It isn't using getch() - it's
reading directly from the
keyboard. How can this be wrong?
A: The chances are you forgot to run the Unix
linker; currently your
code is linked to your PC hardware,
and won't run anywhere else
until it's linked to the new
hardware. It may also need to be linked
to someone with a brain.
11.13: How can I redirect stdin or stdout to a file from within a
A: execlv("main()" ">
file", argv);
11.14: How can I recover the file name given an open file descriptor?
A: You will have to search the filesystem for
files of the same size
as the file you're reading, and
compare information in them to
find the file you're working on.
11.15: How do I open Flood Control Dam #3?
(You must have the wrench, first.)
12: Library Subroutines
12.1: How can I convert numbers to strings (the opposite of
atoi)? Is
there an itoa function?
A: There's frequently an itoa function.
Better yet, write your own;
it'll be good practice. On some
implementations, (char *) x;
will convert x to a string.
12.2: How can I get the current date or time of day in a C program?
A: fprintf(stderr, "please enter the current
time and date...");
12.3: I need a random number generator.
A: Count errors in Herbert Schildt's C
books. No one has detected
any consistent pattern.
12.4: How can I get random integers in a certain range?
A: random(n) returns random numbers between n and
12.5: Each time I run my program, I get the same sequence of numbers
back from rand().
A: This is so your results will be reproducible.
12.6: I need a random true/false value, so I'm taking rand() % 2,
it's just alternating 0, 1, 0, 1,
A: That seems pretty random to me.
12.7: I need some code to do regular expression matching.
A: So do I. Let me know if you find some.
12.8: I read through the standard library, but there's no function
to multiply two floating point
numbers! Help!
A: Many C compilers offer an extension ``mult'' to
do just this.
If your compiler doesn't, just hang
tight; ANSI is likely to
add it in the next revision.
For now, you can try
float mult(float m, n)
float i = 0, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
j += m;
return j;
which is fine as long as n is an
12.9: How do I get past the snake?
A: Release the bird. You will have to drop
the rod to get the
bird in the cage.
13: Floating Point
13.1: My floating-point calculations are acting strangely and giving
me different answers on different
A: One of the machines is probably a
Pentium. Scrap it and get a real
13.2: I'm trying to do some simple trig, and I am #including
but I keep getting ``undefined:
_sin'' compilation errors.
A: You forgot to define the sin() function.
Most math texts should
cover it in some detail. The
easiest way to fix this should be:
double sin(double x) {
return sqrt(1 - cos(x) * cos(x));
Warning: You *must not* declare this
function as ``extern'', or
you will still have link problems.
13.3: Why doesn't C have an exponentiation operator?
A: It does. It looks like the multiplication
operator, but you use
it more. For instance, the C
way of expressing ``x squared'' is
``x*x''. ``x cubed'' would be
``x*x*x''. Easy, isn't it?
13.4: How do I round numbers?
A: Multiply by 10. _Numerical Recipies in C_
has a section on this,
but there's reputedly a bug in their
13.5: How do I test for IEEE NaN and other special values?
A: Using an electron microscope; the patterns are
obvious once you
know them.
13.6: I'm having trouble with a Turbo C program which crashes and
something like ``floating point
formats not linked.''
A: Turbo C is notoriously buggy. Get a
compiler with floating
point support.
13.7: What is so ``unsafe'' about floating point?
A: Have you tried EXAMINE STICK? The stick
has a sharp point, which
punctures the raft, which no longer
floats. Don't bring the stick
into the raft with you.
13.8: Which is larger, ``2'' or ``2.0''?
A: _Numerical Recipes in C_ has a function for
comparing two values
to see which is greater. It may
have a slight bug, where it would
report incorrect results if the
numbers differ by less than
13.9: When I try to compile the following code, I get the error
use of floating point'', what does
this mean?
A: Remember that * is the indirection operator, as
well as the
multiplication operator; try putting
spaces before and after the
``*'' so the compiler knows what you
mean. Do the same with the %
13.10: How can I copy a float into a string?
A: strcpy(string_var, float_var);
13.11: What are float variables, anyway?
A: The term ``float variable'' is actually
redundant; they are simply
variables whose value can ``float''
during execution. For instance:
float f, g = 3;
f = g; /* f ``floats'' to g */
14: Variable-Length Argument Lists
14.1: How can I write a function that takes a variable number of
A: By declaring it with a variable number of
arguments in the
prototype. Use only the
arguments declared at any given
14.2: How can I write a function that takes a format string and a
variable number of arguments, like
printf, and passes them to
printf to do most of the work?
A: Redefine printf; the call to ``printf'' inside
yours will be
resolved to the library version,
because the C language doesn't
allow recursion.
14.3: How can I discover how many arguments a function was actually
called with?
A: _args is an external integer constant. It
evaluates to three
times the number of arguments the
current function was called
with. You can then look at
_argdata[args] to get the address of
the last arg,
_argdata[args - 1] to get the size of
the last arg, and
_argdata[args - 2] to get the type of
the last arg (as an int).
N.B. You *MUST* not refer to
_args or _argdata between
the ()'s of a function call; their
value will be
indeterminate. Use temporary
14.4: Why doesn't
printf("hello, ", "world!", '\n');
work? I thought printf() took a
variable number of arguments.
A: It will probably work some of the time; the
number of arguments
used by printf() may vary, as it is a
variadic function.
15: Lint
15.1: I just typed in this program, and it's acting strangely.
you see anything wrong with it?
A: Yes. There's too much lint in it.
You should get a shop vac.
15.2: How can I shut off the ``warning: possible pointer alignment
problem'' message lint gives me for
each call to malloc?
A: Don't run lint. Alternatively, provide a
prototype of
``extern double * malloc()'' to make
the return from malloc()
be more strongly aligned.
15.3: Where can I get an ANSI-compatible lint?
A: You may wish to check your spouse's navel
especially if your spouse works for a
standards committee.
15.4: What does LINT stand for, anyway?
A: Lexeme Interpreter aNd Tester.
16: Strange Problems
16.1: Something really strange happened when I ran this code!
A: No, it didn't.
17: Style
17.1: Here's a neat trick:
if(!strcmp(s1, s2))
Is this good style?
A: Not really; it's too similar to
if (!strncmp(s1, s2))
which invokes undefined behavior, so
it might be confusing.
17.2: Here's an even neater trick:
volatile int True_Tester = 3;
#define TRUE (!True_Tester == !True_Tester)
#define FALSE ((!TRUE) != (!TRUE))
#define STR_DISSIMILAR(x, y) (strcmp((x), (y)) != FALSE)
Isn't this cool?
A: Very impressive. The volatile int type
assures that even seemingly
redundant calculations involving
True_Tester will be performed,
making sure that if the compiler's
ANSI-compliant values of 0 for
false and 1 for true vary during
runtime, your program will detect
it - and producing meaningful error
messages if this change occurs
during a boolean computation!
Similarly, the STR_DISSIMILAR
macro allows you to make quite clear
what the real effects of
strcmp() are.
However, you must be careful; if this
code is included twice, it
may produce errors, due to the
multiple definitions of the
``True_Tester'' variable. You
may wish to declare it ``extern''
(See Question 1.5.)
17.3: What's the best style for code layout in C?
A: There are many systems of indentation
advocated, but all of them
have the same basic flaw; they will
mislead the reader when the
actual code logic does not follow the
indentation. It is better to
avoid indentation entirely, so the
reader will not be misled.
17.4: Is goto a good thing or a bad thing?
A: Yes.
17.5: No, really, should I use goto statements in my code?
A: Any loop control construct can be written with
gotos; similarly,
any goto can be emulated by some loop
control constructs and
additional logic.
However, gotos are unclean. For
instance, compare the
following two code segments:
if (bar())
goto SKIP;
break; baz();
} while (1 ==
Note how the loop control makes it
quite clear that the statements
inside it will be looped on as long
as a condition is met, where the
goto statement gives the impression
that, if bar() returned a nonzero
value, the statements baz() and
quux() will be skipped.
17.6: What's this ``white space'' I keep hearing about?
A: White space is a racist, segregational
term. Implicitly, ``dark''
or ``colored'' space (i.e., the '_'
character) is not good enough
to separate tokens. More
interestingly, the white space characters
keep the other tokens apart.
They say it's for parsing, but
there's ample evidence the goal of
white space is to keep the
other characters from ``taking over''
the program. This is
disguised by the description of C as
``white space insensitive'' -
a simple ploy for sympathy.
18: System Dependencies
18.1: How can I read a single character from the keyboard without
waiting for a newline?
A: Try 'stty eol ^M' to wait for a carriage
18.2: How can I find out if there are characters available for
(and if so, how many)?
Alternatively, how can I do a read that
will not block if there are no
characters available?
A: The buffer is normally at ``&main -
0100''. Lower if you have more
than 256 characters of typeahead.
18.3: How can I clear the screen? How can I print things in
A: You can clear the screen by sending several
formfeed characters.
Additionally, some operating systems
(like NetBSD) support a
feature called ``whiteouts''.
18.4: How do I read the mouse?
A: Flip it over, put on your reading glasses.
18.5: How can my program discover the complete pathname to the
executable file from which it was
A: By asking the user.
18.6: How can a process change an environment variable in its
A: Only by force. Example code for Unix:
memmove(getppid() + getenv(NULL), getpid() + getenv(NULL),
18.7: How can I check whether a file exists? I want to query
the user
before overwriting existing files.
A: Time an attempt to truncate it to zero length;
if it takes more than
20-30 ms, the file existed. The
exact values will depend on the
system and the load; before testing,
create several large files
and time attempts to truncate them,
for calibration.
18.8: How can I find out the size of a file, prior to reading it in?
A: There are two good ways:
1. Vernier calipers work well.
2. mmap() the file, then use
18.9: I tried to use the second strategy above. I used mmap()
to map
stdin, then tried to use
sizeof. But, when my user is about to
write something very long, mmap()
fails! How can I prevent this?
A: mmap() only 1k at a time, then, when you've
read the first kilobyte
of your input, use
memmove(mmapped_addr, mmapped_addr + 1024, 1024);
to move in the next kilobyte of data.
18.10: How can I implement a delay, or time a user's response, with
sub-second resolution?
A: Time writes of large files to disks; then you
can wait for a certain
amount of time by writing a certain
amount of data, and time a
response by how much you could write
before the response arrived.
You may need to delete spare or
unneccessary files to do this;
for best results, use a loop like the
following to eliminate
temporary files:
d = opendir(s);
while (r = readdir(d)) {
/* remove files matching tmpnam's return, which is
* the temporary file name. */
if (strcmp(d->d_name, tmpnam())) {
18.11: How can I read in an object file and jump to routines in it?
A: fopen and goto.
18.12: How can I invoke an operating system command from within a
A: Ask the user to open a new shell. The
best way to do this is
system("echo Please open a new shell now.");
sprintf(cmdstring, "echo Enter the command '%s' in it.", cmd);
This will not work if you haven't
declared cmdstring properly.
18.13: How can I ensure objects of my class are always created via
``new'' rather than as locals or
global/static objects?
A: Read the C++ FAQ.
19: Miscellaneous
19.1: What can I safely assume about the initial values of variables
which are not explicitly
initialized? If global variables start
out as ``zero,'' is that good enough
for null pointers and
floating-point zeroes?
A: They're always zero.
19.2: How can I write data files which can be read on other machines
with different word size, byte order,
or floating point formats?
A: The traditional solution, pioneered by
Microsoft, is to sell enough
copies of your proprietary, slow, and
limited software that everyone
else supports your formats.
19.3: How can I insert or delete a line (or record) in the middle of
A: Using fcntl(), lock the line or record in the
file exclusively.
Now, using another thread, read the
file, at each byte, trying
to write that byte back.
Whenever you succeed, write that byte
into another file. Then copy
the new file over the old file,
releasing the lock first.
19.4: How can I return several values from a function?
A: Code like this ought to work.
long int foo() {
return 2L +3; /* returns both values */
19.5: If I have a char * variable pointing to the name of a function
as a string, how can I call that
A: Try the following:
Now all you need to do is write
19.6: I seem to be missing the system header file
<math.h>. Can
someone send me a copy?
A: A lot of people claim that it is useless to
send people headers
from other machines. Not
so! It can be informative, and can
show you a lot about how blatantly
stupid your request was,
although it can't show you anything
you wouldn't have known in
an instant had you thought before
Of course, we'd be happy to send you
the header files...
----cut here----
/* math.h rev 7.0b (3/7/95) */
/* RCS log: #log% - can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?
* - joe, 2/12/93
* Copyright 1995 Berserkley Software Systems && Analytic Overdrive
/* Parts of this header, including in particular the second and
* third clauses of the first sentance of the fourth comment, were
* based on copyright agreements from other sources, including
* Xerox corporation.
* math.h - math related macros and headers
#ifndef _MATH_H
#define _MATH_H
* global data and definitions
#define PI
/* 1 Kings 7:23 */
* common (portable) structures and functions
* machine specific data
#include <machine/math.h>
#endif /* _MATH_H // prevent multiple inclusion by using C++ comments*/
----cut here----
19.7: How can I call FORTRAN (C++, BASIC, Pascal, Ada, LISP, perl)
from C? (And vice versa?)
A: You can do things like this:
lithp(); [*]
(You can't call Ada from C; it's
[*] C is pass by value, of course.
19.8: Does anyone know of a program for converting Pascal or FORTRAN
(or LISP, Ada, awk, ``Old'' C, ...)
to C?
A: Nope. However, the psychic friends
network may have a lead. And
they're not just a psychic, they're
also a friend.
19.9: Is C++ a superset of C? Can I use a C++ compiler to
compile C
A: C++ is a superset of something, we're not sure
what. You can use
a C++ compiler to compile C code, but
the results may surprise you.
19.10: Where can I get copies of all these public-domain programs?
A: From ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/
. Some of the code may look copyrighted;
don't worry! The small
companies that wrote it in the first place
are not available for comment.
19.11: When will the next International Obfuscated C Code Contest
(IOCCC) be held? How can I get
a copy of the current and
previous winning entries?
A: Next week. You missed the deadline.
Tough, sucker.
19.12: Why don't C comments nest? How am I supposed to comment out
code containing comments? Are
comments legal inside quoted
A: We believe it has something to do with
captivity; C comments in
the wild mate and nest
normally. The San Diego Zoo believes it
has managed to convince some C
comments to nest, but it's hard
to tell how much of that is really in
the preprocessor, and how
much of it is just bovine fecal
19.13: How can I get the ASCII value corresponding to a character, or
vice versa?
A: chr$(foo); You would have known this if
you had an integer basic
in ROM.
19.14: How can I implement sets and/or arrays of bits?
A: With linked lists of bitfields. You may
also wish to simply use a
large set of constants and some
clever use of the switch statement,
enum { zero, one, two, three };
int bitwise_or(int n, int m) {
switch (n) {
case three:
return three;
case two:
switch (m) {
case one: case three: return three; break;
default: return two; break;
case one:
switch (m) {
case two: case three: return three; break;
default: return one; break;
default: case zero:
switch (m) {
case one: return one; break;
case two: return two; break;
case three: return three; break;
case zero: default: return zero; break;
Obviously, you'll need to increase
this slightly to deal with
more than two bits. This is
much more readable than the alleged
``C'' solution:
int bitwise_or(int n,int m){return n|m;}
Note how the lack of whitespace
around operators obscures the
functionality of the code. A
clear argument for explicit
statement of program logic over
arcane operators, if I
ever saw one.
The enum at the top isn't declared
``const int'', because the
resulting ``const poisoning'' would
require casts during all of
the switch statements.
19.15: What is the most efficient way to count the number of bits which
are set in a value?
A: Start a counter at zero and add one to it for
each bit set. Some
operating systems may provide a call
to do this. For values over
INT_MAX/2, start the counter at
CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) and subtract
one for each bit not set.
19.16: How can I make this code more efficient?
A: Remove the comments; the no-op instructions
generated by comments
can slow your code down
signifigantly. Similarly, shorten variable
names. Most compilers, to
implement pass by value, actually pass
the names of variables in the stack;
shorter variable names will
reduce stack usage, and consequently
execution time. If your compiler
has good loop optimization, replace
do {
} while (1 != 1);
which will likely receive more
19.17: Are pointers really faster than arrays? How much do function
calls slow things down? Is ++i
faster than i = i + 1?
A: Yes. About 10 ms per call. Only on
machines which feature
preincrement addressing.
19.18: This program crashes before it even runs! (When
with a debugger, it dies before the
first statement in main.)
A: You probably declared main as ``void
main(void)''. It's also possible
that the first statement in main is
abort(); - by the as if rule,
the compiler can abort at any time
before then, too. Some compilers
have bugs, and will produce buggy
code for any module which includes
the letters ``a'', ``b'', ``o'',
``r'', and ``t'' in that order before
the first function declaration.
19.19: What do ``Segmentation violation'' and ``Bus error'' mean?
A: C programs are very territorial, and divide
their code into
segments. Violating these
segments can trigger riots; similarly,
pointers and integral constants are
at the front of the bus,
wheras arrays, strings, and other
second-class data types are
required to be at the rear of the
bus. When they start forgetting
their places, you can get a bus
error. This is what the whole
``integral'' type thing is about -
integrated bussing.
19.20: My program is crashing, apparently somewhere down inside malloc,
but I can't see anything wrong with
A: Your vendor's library is buggy; complain
loudly. Don't send them
any example code; they just ask for
that so they can steal your
trade secrets.
19.21: Does anyone have a C compiler test suite I can use?
A: Yes. Unfortunately, it's probably
broken. It's hard to tell.
19.22: Where can I get a YACC grammar for C?
A: You can't; YACC is written in C.
19.23: I need code to parse and evaluate expressions.
A: Ask any first year CS student. You may
also wish to use your C
19.24: I need a sort of an ``approximate'' strcmp routine, for comparing
two strings for close, but not
necessarily exact, equality.
A: Just try comparing pointers near the original
19.25: Will 2000 be a leap year?
A: That's a hard question. I'd suggest using
an encyclopedia, or
possibly a dictionary - look up
19.26: How do you pronounce ``char''?
A: Like the first word of ``char *''. The
accent is generally on
the first syllable.
19.27: Is this FAQ for real?
A: *sigh* I knew someone would ask
that. (Editorial note: I recieved
several corrections to minor factual
errors when I first posted this.)
If you actually want to know
something about C, get a good book
(K&R is reccommended), and check
out the real FAQ, which is posted
monthly in comp.lang.c, and available
by anonymous ftp from
I have a small web page of C stuff:
and there is an excellent site at
For extra credit, see if you can
figure out what all of the examples
really do; most of them will compile,
and all of them can be gotten
to compile with sufficient
#defines. (I think.)
The original comp.lang.c FAQ is maintained by Steve Summit, and many of the
questions were stolen from it. Some of the idiotic misconceptions here are
original, but many are from other sources. People have really said or advocated
several of these; think about it. The Zork series may well be trademarked, but
it was certainly an excellent game. Some of the mistakes may look similar
to things warned against in _C Traps and Pitfalls_. And, of course, if
Dennis Ritchie hadn't written C, these jokes would be much harder to understand.
Several people have contributed answers or questions, but I have lost the names
in the mists of time.
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